Offering compassionate support for your journey


Share Your Sorrow and Smile Brighter. Let life give you that warmest hug you always wanted to nest into. Knowing that someone understands your pain and suffering can be incredibly comforting as it allows to heal, connect and grow through conversation and often sharing your pain can be a highly transformative experience. My name is Kavita, born and brought up in Lucknow, India. I bring you this corner of the web as a manifestation of my Guruji Pt. Sanjay Rath’s blessings to befriend and heal burdened hearts and souls across land and oceans as sometimes you need someone to be there for you and understand you.

Share Your Sorrow is a space where your sorrow is not met with silence but acknowledged and embraced with an open mind without the burden of judgement.

Let’s be fair

Because fashion need to be fair, always

Let’s be for all

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Martha Ramos
Customer from 2007

“Here I can find original items, low prices without to lose quality or sustainability. Love it!“

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A transparent Refund policy

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